NZB3: Silver Lining 1/2



Silver Lining 1/2

T'is an ill wind that blows nobody any good! Allow me to demonstrate.

The Silver Lining # 1:

Lindsay Mitchell blogs today of the English police emergency that had a Herefordshire shopkeeper rush to the crime scene, his shop, in a bluster. Turned out they wanted to impound three gollywog dolls in the shop window!

Silver lining: Days latter an embarassed constabulary return the toys and the politically correct police constables (PC PCs!) end up a laughing stock and actually hurt their stupid cause!

^^^ Click image to enlarge ^^^

[update- I have expanded on this on SOLO]

I don't mean to sound like a pedant so I will, lobotomy has two "o"s.
Noddy would know that too Ed, EXCEPT HE'S HAD A LOBOTOMY! Give him a fuckin' break man!
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