4/05/2006Remember, remember![]() Remember, remember, the fifth of November, The gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. V For Vendetta has been released, it's a good movie. Dominic says something he read indicated it was intended to be released on the 5th of November last year but was delayed 6 months. Shame about that, still the same thing happened to George Orwell but in his case it was 36 years between the title he wanted, '1948', and the title he got, '1984'. We libertarians, we like the distopia genra. A world gone mad is what these stories show everyone- mad after the fashion we libertarians warn you about when the madness is knee-high to a grasshopper. So we hope you feel appropriate shock at distopic stories because in your shock is our retribution, our vindication, for all our hard work of looking out for you. ^^ Pic from my friend AnnaG Every libertarian I know (except M) complains about this film for not being solution-based enough. It talks about society's problem, it takes it to the climax and then what? The movie, THEY complain, doesn't say what's to happen after the revolution. I don't have a problem with that. It's not the anti-Seinfeld, it's not "the movie about everything." No, it's a film about Vee. It's tradgedy. Here's a man who is damaged goods, they broke his wings. A failure? It's not a story about the beginning of the revolution, it's a story about the end of the tyranny. And what's so wrong with telling that story? We're clearly told the 'frog slowly boiling' and the Orwellian language change stories. We get the propaganda, dissarming and surveillance and indoctrination of citizens. We're shown how the beautiful lives of a gay couple are cancelled out for being different. We see that there is something about life of higher value than merely being alive. It's just not true that Vee doesn't "give a rat's arse" about his beneficiaries. Infact, he gave so much care to it that he leaves his final climax entirely to them to take or leave. The protagonist is a human scar, unfit for a land of milk and honey. Harrison Bergeron, if you've seen it, and Atlas Shrugged, if you've read it, are exactly the same when it comes to this. Vee doesn't mean to rebuild mankind and errect new idols but to tear down the old idols- not unlike D'Anconia, Danneskjold, and Gault. You want to know what happens next? The new regime? That, my friend, is another movie. - More on Hugo Weaving (he played Vee) very soon
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