NZB3: Libertarianz On Campus



Libertarianz On Campus

Since I used one frame from this old toon I thought I may as well blog the rest.

I was in the process of creating a series of these toons for the Libertarianz On Campus, which I once to belonged to. That being the student groups at Victoria and Auckland universities of the political party Libertarianz.

I think we had a fantastic revival in 2002 and became strong at Auckland. Toward the end of the year we decided not to keep up the good work, and I eventually became fed up and turned to ACT.

I think they're still going, if on low power. There are/were some good people on the books, but going to great waste. Libertarians are wasted in Libertarianz. :(

you right there dude ACT still going on very low power,
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it
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