NZB3: Frontline




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We don't know how lucky we are. We don't know how proficious are the circumstances, Kiwis.

I know that since I've been away Paul Homes left TVNZ, and for a while there were three post-news current affairs shows. But thankfully we in Enzed have not yet devolved to the state of presenting and consuming tabloid news shows among ourselves.

Australia does! Oh yes they do!

An example from Monday night, here on mp3.

In the '90s one of the greatest comedic television creations of all time was a 13 episode show called Frontline. Wow it was good. It totally blew the legs out from under the lie that finds its function in tabloid news TV. These Australians did a fantastic job with their show. With "A Current Affair" and "Today Tonight" in competition here in Oz for who can pull the most dirty laundry ratings every night we could use a few more Frontline episodes now!


February 2006   March 2006   April 2006   May 2006  

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                               |         | Melbourne 2006                       \|/
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