NZB3: Zheng Heland?



Zheng Heland?

Maybe we should rename New Zealand "Zeng Heland" now then?

In today's Stuff news, Waikato Uni have been looking into an old old map. Chinese explorer Zheng He drew this map, maybe, after popping by Enzed around about 1418. Cool idea, huh?

1300 The Maori- I think...
1642 Able Tasman
1769 James Cook
1942 The Americans

Of course the idea that there's more to this narrative is not new. I've read a book by some guy that claimed we were visited 2000 years ago by the Phonecians- based on obscure rock squiggles. There are also stories about ancient Celts rocking by and some people even think there's a very large red-headed warrior grave paved over by the highway just out of Greymouth.

Radical alternative views like these are interesting! I file it alongside holocaust denial, haunted houses, and UFOs. I'll always go along to a haunted place every time I get the chance (not often enough!) to investigate. Why I take time for what would otherwise be foolishness is due to the benifit of what you can learn about your own beliefs (not to mention nerves) and those of others.

I really must try to get into the Old Melbourne Gaol before I leave here. It's supposed to be haunted to bits!


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                                 _/ \_|\   Rick Giles
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                               |         | Melbourne 2006                       \|/
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