NZB3: Sense Of Life Objectivists



Sense Of Life Objectivists

Objectivism. It's a philosophy. Mine.

A philosophy is just like a religion, except that it's non-deity based. Theology deals in a God or in gods, philosophy deals in reasoning. There are lots of both to choose from, old ones and new ones from all around the world. I picked Objectivism.

There are a couple of major Objectivist club-houses in the States and a very little wanna-be one overseen by Lindsay Perigo, a Kiwi incase you've never heard of him. His one, SOLO (Sense Of Life Objectivists) has been going for 5 years now and keeps on rising and crashing again. I could see that all along but joined up last year anyway, just before it went to hell again at the end of last year.

Once again, SOLO is up from the ashes and trying to make a go of things with the same formula as has lead to the previous booms and busts. At this stage it's not so much an institution for philosophical and social revolution as a glorified group blog. A home for people who aren't interested in the impressive Credo at all but in frivolities. The stock in trade is bashing other Objectivists and each other, and in piling sexual inuendo on to any message post (or message poster) than can bare it.

Pick this up and make it into a world class Objectivist fighting machine? They must be mad. They must be lemmings!

But.....but prompted by an anonymous commenter back here I emailed SOLO's new Exec and more or less had this conversation with him...(I'm Kirk, of course...)

Kirk: I take it the odds are against us and the situation is grim.

Picard: You could say that.

Kirk: You know, if Spock were here, he'd say that I was an irrational, illogical human being by taking on a mission like that. Sounds like fun!

In other words, I've just gone and joined Sense Of Life Objectivsts again.

Note to self: Don't say I didn't warn you about this in the first place, Giles. You lemming.

Are you mad? It's pure bullshit. And what's more, an insult to Rand.

All the sexual stuff and garbage in general is fine on some random blog - what I object to is them putting it under the Objectivist banner. They are not objectivists. They are losers with far too much time on their hands, sitting in the basement with their Jedi collection.
Rick if you are an objectivist you will deal with fact, you have just made a post which is exactly of the nature you accuse SOLO and SOLO Passion of being.

There is value in ARI, though it lacks a passionate sense of life - there is value in TOC disseminating objectivist ideas, but it too willingly to water itself down.

I suggest you raise the issues you have mentioned on SOLO passion and ask for reasoned answers, it is hardly objectivist to insult a group - then join it!
you have just made a post which is exactly of the nature you accuse SOLO and SOLO Passion of being.

Any sexual inuendo you may have inferred from the above, Scott, is allll you.

There are no insults here, only the fact that SOLO degenerated into a geeky clique. Those charged with making a go of the enterprise have impressive sympathy for that view and I'd not've joined up were that not the case.

If they want my positive contribution they've got it.
and I look forward to it. Welcome :)
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