NZB3: Ruth and Grass



Ruth and Grass

Chaos Theory

Take my advice. Do your best to remove the sons of bitches from your life. I don't care if they're your brothers, your fathers, your sisters, or what. Remove them. It's like rolling a car off of a piece of sod. Just as the blades that were under the tires will straighten and grow, you'll gradually feel the strength and hope flow back into you. ~ Steve H - Hog on Ice
And so it does.

Rick Theory theory,-

Remove the "son of a bitch" from the sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers, and others in your life. What is needed is not new and faultless people we haven't met yet. What is needed is an improved relationship and appreciation with the folks we already know.

One of CS Lewis' short stories had it that, in heaven, even the blades of grass themselves would not yield or be bent by the prickled feet of sinners. If you make ME into, even an analogical, blade of grass then that's how it's going to be.


February 2006   March 2006   April 2006   May 2006  

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                               |         | Melbourne 2006                       \|/
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