3/08/2006Liberty Fuel IIBy this particular preparation of your census form you don't get to combust the actual form. Nevertheless, this liberty manufacturing machine displays your liberty just as well as a Wellington firebreather or a Northland BBQ. You put in the symbol of statist control at one end, and in just one simple step the machine manufactures liberty at the other end. If the libertarian of pure heart looks very very closely between the gaps in the shredded form- and even then this only works every 6 years on nights like last night- you can actually see your liberty between those gaps. Thanks Barry!
I work for Stats NZ and am constantly amazed by the amount of people who refuse to fill out their Census forms, as though this is some sort of Big Brother conspiracy. A fairly simple example to explain the need for the Census was the Maori at the top of the North Island. A few Censuses ago the majority of Maori in the far north all decided to boycott the Census. Then a few years later cried out that they didn’t have adequate health resources in the area. The local council looked at the population statistics for the area and stated that there were only a small amount of people living there. The only way for the Government to provide adequate infrastructure is to have adequate information.
Well Anonymous it's kind of simple - I can't go to your house and demand you answer questions or I will arrest you. That is what you are a part of.
Germany has no census and you think the Government provides our infrastructure? Well it doesn't provide food, clothing, (most) housing, telecommunications, (most) banking, (some) electricity etc. The whole private sector operates without using force to get information, you don't need to either.
I never stated that the Government provides all infrastructures. However through the Census they do find out how many people will be requiring unemployment and sickness benefits to provide food, clothing and housing for those in need.
Looking at the whole telecommunication debacle going on at the moment the Government is probably going to step in. With data from the Census they can see how many people have computers and what the population is. From this they can asses the disparity and decide what measures are needed. With Theresa Gattung constantly saying NZ is ‘Right up with the play’ nothing would otherwise be done and we would keep receiving internet speeds far lower than the rest of the OECD. While the Government doesn’t provide all infrastructures they do have to step on the private sector to halt monopolies and oligopolies (look at petrol and power prices). They have yet to do anything as they need to process as much data as possible to make appropriate decisions. So if you do really think the private sector should run the country you must not have a very good take on capitalism. As for the statement on Germany, you compared a country with a population of 4 million people with a country of 82.5 million. The concept of sampling is a forth form topic, give it a go.
Keep up the good work
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