NZB3: Victoria Succumbs



Victoria Succumbs

Can you believe this is the jacket of a pack of smokes? Believe it baby.
New Zealand did it. Queensland has done it. Tasmania too. That's just off the top of my head. And now Victoria (where I am now) will join the club of states to ban smoking in bars, but this not until 2007.

On March 1st, however, smoking in the workplace (a bar isn't a workplace anyway?) is a no-no.

Is it your body? Is it your health? Hand over that kind of thinking on the Victorian boarder pal! Steve Bracks takes the liberty away from your lips and lungs these days!

Who needs the Maori party to ban smoking anyway when the industry is already under government's thumb? And why ban such a great tax revinue cash cow?

Here's an origional compromise by the State of Victoria. This here pic is one of the 4 that will be covering 60% of the surface of all cigarette packets from this tomorrow until the Libertarian Revolution (I'm not sure what the date for this latter is as yet). There's also one with a dead foot, broken arteries and a repentent on the telephone.

If you can control a product to this outragious and disgusting extent who doubts that you could ban it if you wanted to? But no, there's tax to be had.

It's enough to make you vote libertariaaa....ah but you can't. It's Australia.


February 2006   March 2006   April 2006   May 2006  

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                               |         | Melbourne 2006                       \|/
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